
The heart of coaching is the release of someone's potential so that they can live their dreams. Getting there can involve an important relationship with a trusted coach, someone who can coax and cajole, persuade and provoke, listen and laugh. Tina Taylor's coaching credentials are impeccable, having worked closely with Michael Neill, whose services are called on by well known celebrities and high performing executives alike.

People expected to deliver at a high level have every justification for bringing a coach into their lives. It's taken for granted in sports, and Tina does do some work with sports professionals. Now, coaches are seen as part of the vital support system of people in the business and creative sectors too.

In the course of coaching, Tina has been asked to deal with everything from getting people to deliver vital speeches to managing a senior executive's time more effectively to improving sporting performances for athletes. All these issues have structures, and Tina's status as a Master Trainer of NLP gives her piercing insight into how those structures function and what needs to be done to change them into something more desirable.

To enquire about coaching sessions with Tina, call 07946 351640 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.